Friday, June 28, 2013

Reunited with the Union Jack

A year ago today, Spencer and I arrived in England for Becca's wedding. I'm ashamed I didn't write about this earlier, but it's more sentimental to wait one whole year to reflect, right?

The wedding was perfect. Becca and Nate are perfect for each other! It was such a good day, and the weather was kind to us - it didn't even rain! Here are some highlights of the wedding. Because it was such a special occasion, you can see more about it here.

Even though the purpose of this trip was Becca and Nate's wedding, we also managed to squeeze a bit of tourism stuff in there - for Spencer's sake ;) Thanks to my Dad for being our personal tour guide! He was really nice to take work off and take us wherever we wanted to go! It wouldn't have been half as fun without him! Thanks Dad!

Sometimes it's good to be a tourist in your own town, let alone your own country. You end up finding out lots of interesting things and being proud of where you come from! Introducing: Colne.

Built in 1122. I knew this church was old, but I didn't think it was that old!

Wallace Hartley was a bandmaster on the Titanic. He was from Colne.

My primary school

I miss those green hills!

We were so glad we got to spend time with my sister Sarah and her cute Brooke. They are such a cute little family.

She's such a good Mum to Brooke! I bet she's spoilt rotten!

It was hilarious apparently.

Brooke definitely loves her Uncle Spencer! 

We also got to catch up with some family and friends! I miss these girls!

Spencer bonded with the dog...

...and of course we loved being in the English countryside!

We HAD to show Spencer a castle. He was just loving it!

 Down to the dungeons!

So I'm crazy about chocolate but I'd never been to Cadbury World before! It was so fun and I recommend it to everyone who goes to England! Yummy!

I was one piece of glass away from swimming in heaven. Yes, that is chocolate.

We even got to chocify ourselves!

And write out names in chocolate - yum!

When I didn't think this place could get any better...chocolate shoes. Need I say more?

Kiri was really sweet and drove for 2 hours to come meet us at Cadbury World! 
It was so good to see her again!

Another cool place we visited was Downham. Spencer just LOVED this place. We decided it was the typical little quaint English village. You'll see what I mean when you look at the pictures. So picturesque. 

Surely grass cannot be this green?


And of course we had to have fun in a phone box!

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