Monday, June 10, 2013

The EPIC water fight battle

To celebrate having a bigger and nicer apartment, Mum, Josh and Abby came down from Brigham City to spend the weekend with us. I'm glad that we all live close enough to visit each other without it being too difficult/expensive. We started off with a pizza picnic in the park followed by an epic water fight! It was loads of fun; the perfect activity for a hot summers day.
We will definitely be doing that again!


We got our game faces on! 

Soon enough we were fighting our own team! Spencer started it.

One of my favorite pictures of the day!

We ended the night with a game night with our old neighbors Carl and Ami. Spencer insisted that because we almost had the same amount of British people and American people, that we should do a repeat of the Revolutionary War in our game night. We played lots of games and kept score. 
After 3 hours, it was a draw. Ha. 

The next morning we went up to Salt Lake for Music and the Spoken Word. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir does a live broadcast of beautiful hymns and other arrangements every Sunday. It's actually the longest running broadcast in the world and definitely an experience not to miss!


Mum said...

Love the blog! We had a great time and have to do it again very soon! Next time we'll play games that we know - and the Brits will definitely win!!

Mum said...

Great photographer - love the action shots!!

Unknown said...

Couldn't have asked for a better one! Next time, you're in the fight though :P

Mum said...

Ok, you're on -and you'd better look out!!