Bucket List

Even before we were married we had a 'things we're going to do' list. Over time, it just keeps getting longer and longer! I've seen this bucket list idea on a few other blogs and thought it would be a good way to keep track of the things we have done - and still need to do! 

One of our favorite films is UP. In UP, Ellie has an 'adventure book' where she records everything she has done and then 'stuff she's going to do'. So this is our digital version of our very own adventure book!

We also have an East Coast version of our bucket list for our time here. 

Make homemade pizza
See who can eat the most pizza
Make twisty breadsticks
Go to Granite bakery 
Eat at Little Italy
Make Banana Chocolate Chip Pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries Feb 2011

Outdoor Activities
Hike to Timpanogos Cave
Stand under a waterfall!
Make Chinese flying lanterns 
Go to Lagoon
Sledding (aka sledging)
Stargaze on the trampoline
Stargaze during the 'end of the world' stars  We survived!! Dec 2012
Go kayaking 
Go camping
Go to the Olympic National Forest
Play croquet
Frolic in a grassy green field in England! June 2012
Ride a tandem bike! Honeymoon Dec 2011
Read together outside
Go iceskating outside
Swim with dolphins
Watch the sun rise Dec 31st 2013

The Arts
Go to a ballet in formal dress!
Go to a formal dance and look awesome! 26th March 2011

Visit England together  June-July 2012
Go to London! July 2012
Visit Fiji together (Spencer's mission)
Visit Ghana together (the orphanage I volunteered at)

Get in the advertising program (Spencer) 
Get in the creative track (Spencer)
Complete student teaching (Nadine) 4th Dec 2012
Graduate! (Nadine) Dec 2012
Get a 'real' teaching job (Nadine) Dec 2012
Work at one of the top 10 advertising agencies (Spencer) Razorfish, San Fran. Summer 2014
Complete a first aid course (Nadine) June 2012

Health and Fitness
Run a half marathon (Spencer)
Run a marathon (Spencer)
Take swimming lessons from Spencer (Nadine)
Play racquetball together
Play tennis together
Hike the Y at sunrise
Hike the Y at sunset
Beat Pops at table tennis!! 

Why not
Write and publish a children's book
Harry Potter movie marathon Jan 2013
Grow a beard and mustache (Spencer)
Paint on canvas in the countryside (Nadine)
Have a day out with Nadine's Abby
Clark Planetarium (the big one)

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