Our Story

Our dating story began in 2011, when Spencer moved into the same housing complex I was living in at the time. This meant we'd naturally see each other quite a bit. Lucky me :) 

January 22nd, 2011 I was doing my laundry in the on site facility feeling pretty down. The day hadn't started off too well and I wasn't too good about hiding it. Spencer came in and started casual conversation (we hadn't really talked much up to that point). He quickly caught on that I wasn't in the best of moods so he decided to change that and make my day better. But first, he insisted he had to go study in library (really??). Surprisingly, we had so much fun studying in each other's company, I was sure we would be escorted out. After our studying, which consisted of laughing hysterically at silly drawings we had drawn to try and help me understand some stupid math concept, we went to get dinner at the Pita Pit. He paid. Then we went ice skating. Let's just say ice-skating really isn't for me haha. I've been so many times and am still hopeless. He didn't need to do cool tricks to impress me though, (as he proved by falling flat on his face), I think I was already smitten - I think we both were!

We hit things off so well on our first day that we saw each other every day after that. Up until this day, we have only not seen each other for 1 day. I like it that way :) 

A few weeks later we voted on whether we should keep dating. The vote was unanimous. 

He proposed!

On December 22nd, 2011 we were married for time and all eternity in the 
Salt Lake Temple.