Monday, September 29, 2014

Congratulations Joseph and Jenica!

A big congratulations to Joseph and Jenica who were married on Friday 26th September! We're so happy to have Jenica join the family! It was a perfect day, the most perfect part being inside the temple. 

The happy couple!

It was really windy.

Abby is almost as tall as Dad!

I'm sure there must be one where everyone is actually smiling, but I can't find one. So maybe not!

They had a lovely garden reception!


I love this picture of Grandma. Abby was blowing bubbles at her.

We could hear thunder in the distance, see lightening and feel light rain...but it mainly held off until after the reception :)

Cutting the cake - followed by a very 'smushy' cake swap!

Mother / son dance

Their first dance was very sweet. They actually danced, not just swayed! Impressive! Video below :)

Congratulations again and welcome to married life Mr & Mrs. Burgan!


Mum said...
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Mum said...

Lovely reminders of a perfect day! Thanks Nadine x

Mum said...
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Mum said...

Delete 2 of these! I had a stutter!! Sorry!