Friday, August 8, 2014

Introducing Stanley

So we'd been thinking about getting a puppy for a while, and thought that seeing as I have the summer off, now would be the perfect time!

Now I'm not one of those people obsessed with their dog...but I still need somewhere to put all these cute pictures! 
Just putting that disclaimer out there ;)

We decided on a goldendoodle - a golden retriever/poodle mix. We're both allergic, so this is perfect! We haven't sneezed once!

Saying goodbye to his Mum. Couldn't help but feel a tad guilty...

But we got over it :)

On the drive home!

We got a flat tire...noooo! We ended up being stuck on the side of the freeway forever in the burning southern 
California heat - with an 8 week old puppy.

But luckily this little guy was happy! Thank goodness, because I wouldn't know what to do if he wasn't!

Taking him out for the first time. 

Trying to teach him to play fetch.

He has definitely mastered the puppy eyes. Gets me every time.

Getting him in the bath is easy, it's keeping him in that we still need to figure out!


We have ourselves a Houdini.

Grumpy face because Spencer wasn't home yet.

He can be pretty persistent!

So far he knows how to sit, stay, come, lie down, leave something, go to his 'place', fetch and shake. All these things are relative to how defiant or distracted he is feeling at that particular moment ;)

We're currently working on teaching him to do selfies. 

Welcome to the family Stanley!


Mum said...

He is so adorable! We can't wait to meet him!

Unknown said...

Won't be long!