Thursday, July 31, 2014

1/4 Century Old!

We celebrated this man turning 1/4 century old by going to this really old arcade called Musée Mécanique at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco. It was super creepy (as you can tell by their website) but we had a lot of fun!

Then we went to this fancy sushi place right at the end of the Pier. We seriously got the best seat in the house! It was exciting to watch the boats go by and to see Alcatraz while we tried to maneuver the chopsticks. And to say I'm not much of a sushi person, I thoroughly enjoyed it and might be fully converted to sushi! 

We randomly saw a guy juggling knives on a weird unicycle with 3 wheels...yeah it wasn't a tricycle...

We couldn't celebrate a birthday without going to Ghirardelli! We ordered the mint 'painted lady' sundae and it was DEFINITELY worth the 40 minute wait. Spencer was nice and shared with me :) 

When we got home I revealed his Oreo birthday cake! We didn't have much of an appetite after Ghirardelli but we still managed :)


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