Sunday, September 28, 2014

Coast to coast in 3 months. Sure, why not?

After a fabulous summer in San Francisco, Spencer got a great job in Wilton, Connecticut! He is a Copywriter for an advertising agency named Tracy Locke.

But that meant we had to move. Again. But this time it was a little further than California. 2,977 miles further. So we packed up our apartment in California and moved everything back to Utah. We decided to skip the whole cross-country U-Haul drama again and just take whatever would fit in our Accord with us to Connecticut. We were able to rebuild pretty fast and cheaply in Cali so it wasn't too daunting - until we saw how much we had stored in Utah. And thus began the ultimate sort out. 
Take it, sell it, DI it, give it away, throw it away, or store it? 

What I was hoping would fit in our car. Plus us. Plus the dog. Wishful thinking?

We were packed in there like sardines. But it all fit! And more :)

Disclaimer: No cute animals were harmed in this move! 
He was so good the entire way there. All 4 days of it!

It was quite an uneventful drive (thankfully no car problems at all!) but we did get to stop in Kirtland and look at a few of the church history sites there. 

We spent about 3 nights in various hotels while we apartment searched like crazy people in any location within 30 mins of Wilton. (Wilton is the center of expense...yey). 
Stanley tried to be helpful, but wasn't. 

Our thoughts on CT so far. 

We eventually found a place! We're living in Ansonia. It's got character. 

(Cool house, but not our house)

It feels like we've been to Ikea a hundred times trying to decide on various furniture for our apartment. We'd never built Ikea furniture before, needless to say we had to stop and make brownies a couple times to get through it. The bed wasn't that bad to make, but that dresser...

Ta da!

Spencer's first day of work! Yes, I still take these pictures. 
He's enjoying his job so far. It's only week 2 and he's mainly working on Pepsi.

We're excited to be on the East Coast for a while, even though it is very different to anywhere we have ever lived. It feels most similar to England because of how green it is and how curvy and narrow the roads are sometimes. We've already made a bucket list (check it out) of everything we want to try and do while we are here, however long that may be!


Squirrel said...

What an adventure! I am glad you made it safely. Best wishes to you. Aunt Sue

Unknown said...

Thanks Aunt Sue, It has already been quite the adventure! :)

Mum said...

248Wow - you two are amazing! We miss you, but from the look of that bucket list, you're going to have an exciting time there!