Sunday, January 5, 2014

A California Christmas

I really feel that Christmas comes at the perfect time. We are all worn out from school and/or work and it's a great time to refocus our attention on what is important. We had an especially good Christmas this year with lots of fun, family time. 

We managed to make it to both of our families Christmas parties! At mine we hung out with Santa, and at Spencer's he was lucky enough to land the role as a wise man. He did great and secretly enjoyed it - princess crown and all ;)

Christmas day was a lot of fun! It was great to spend time as a family opening well thought out gifts such as blocks of cheese, endless cartons of chocolate milk, masks and Yoshi's.

Spencer's parents were extremely nice and helped us all escape the frigid Utah weather! We spent the rest of Christmas break at sunny Newport Beach where the average temperature was in the high 70's. 
Pure heaven.  

There were 7 of us in total so we needed a big car. Thought the garage would be a bit bigger though... After lots of precise maneuvering Pops succeeded in fitting it in! 1/2 inch to spare at each end! We decided to walk as much as possible after that ordeal...

My favorite thing we did on this trip was ride our bikes on the beach. It was so relaxing to have the ocean waves by our side, the wind in our faces, all without a care in the world! It had been a stressful few months so this was the ultimate relaxer for me.

Newport Beach Temple. So pretty.

Halfway through our 7 mile walk along the beach! My feet kinda hurt after, but I just can't get enough of the beach!

We went on a whale watch! Although we didn't see any whales, we saw lots of dolphins! 

Cheesecake on a stick!! We discovered this while on our honeymoon out here and just to HAD to get one again. I dipped mine in Oreos :)

Watching the sunrise on our last morning. It was also the last sunrise of 2013. Bitter sweet.

Merry Christmas from sunny California!

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