Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Tradition

Memorial Day (USA) or Remembrance Day (Commonwealth Countries) is always an obvious time to remember those who have passed before us, especially due to war. Spencer and I don't really know anyone in our family lines who have died in any wars (family, please correct us if we are wrong!) but we still wanted to do something to remember those who have given their lives.

We decided to start a new family tradition. Every memorial day we will visit the cemetery and admire all the flowers that are placed around the graves. Call it creepy, but I kind of like looking at the names and dates and imagining what they would have been like. As we were walking around, I noticed some graves that didn't have any flowers. Maybe their families had moved away or something. So we decided that we would go get some flowers and put a single flower on the graves that did not have anything, specifically war veterans.

This was a really special experience for both of us and I'm excited to keep up the tradition!

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